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About the CTS

Learn about the the purpose and origins of the California Teachers Study


Watch videos about on-going and past California Teachers Study projects


Find videos on FAQs about our most recent study questionnaire

Study Findings

Hear from California Teachers Study researchers about our study findings


Biospecimens for Future Research


In this short video, Dr. James Lacey and the California Teachers Study team discuss their approach to biobanking and study management.


Using Cloud Computing for Epidemiology


In this webinar, Dr. James Lacey discusses how the California Teachers Study has leveraged cloud computing to help collect, store, and use study data for a biobanking project.



Questionnaire 6 (Q6)


Watch our introductory Questionnaire 6 (Q6) video to learn why we are offered our 6th questionnaire online and to hear tips and tricks for completing it!

Study Findings

Study Findings

Plant-based Diet and Risk of Stroke


California Teachers Study collaborator Dr. Ayesha Sherzai used California Teachers Study data to examine the relationship between plant-based diets and stroke risk.

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