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Completing Questionnaire 6 on Web

This pages includes:

Watch our introductory Q6 video to learn why we are offered the 6th questionnaire online and to hear tips and tricks for completing it!

Q6 Web - Frequently Asked Questions
How do I complete Q6 online?

Our team emailed out invitations to complete the online questionnaire between October and December 2017. To complete the study questionnaire, just click on the link in that email and your questionnaire will open. You can complete your questionnaire on your laptop, desktop, iPad/tablet or smartphone device. Please use whatever is most convenient for you!

I didn't get an email with my questionnaire link.

If you haven't already, please check your "Spam" filter. If the email isn't there, please call us at 1-800-568-9471. You'll be asked to provide your name, month and year of birth, and the email address where you'd like to receive your questionnaire. We'd be happy to resend the email with the questionnaire link.

Please note - it's easier for us to send emails to personal email addresses, like GMAIL or AOL, than to school email addresses. School emails often have very strict Spam filters, and sometimes our study emails don't get through. 

Do I have to complete the entire questionnaire in one sitting?

No. You can always "pause" your questionnaire by closing your browser. The questions you have already answered will be stored, so you can come back and complete your questionnaire when you have time. 

I started my questionnaire but had to take a break part way through. How do I get back to it?

Just re-open the email that we sent you with your questionnaire link and click on the link again. The questionnaire will return you to exactly where you left off.

My questionnaire isn't working!

If you're having issues with your questionnaire, call us! You can reach us at 1-800-568-9471. 

Below are a few issues you may encounter:

Even though we are using robust questionnaire software, sometimes there are issues with the browser you're using on your computer or smartphone. Try closing out of your browser and re-opening your questionnaire.

Are you seeing an error message after typing in some information? Take a quick look at our error videos below. The questionnaire will tell you if you've entered information that doesn't quite fit the answer criteria.

If the questionnaire asks you to enter an age or a year, make sure you are entering that age or year as a number (73) instead of as text (seventy-three). ​

I enter a valid answer but the questionnaire keeps giving me an error message.

If you are entering a date, number, or phone number, make sure that you haven't included any extra spaces before or after the number.


If the questionnaire gives you an error message even after you feel you have give a valid response, please be sure that you have removed any accidental spaces by pressing both the ‘Backspace’ and ‘Delete’ buttons. Then retry entering the desired number, making sure not to hit the space bar. Then click ‘Next.’

If you are entering a phone number and still getting an error message, try deleting the phone number and then entering the number without any dashes or spaces. For example, instead of entering a phone number as (XXX) XXX-XXXX try entering it as XXXXXXXXXX.

Can I still complete my questionnaire on paper?

We hope that you'll give Q6 online a try! We think you'll like how streamlined the questionnaire is now - you'll only see the questions that apply to you, and you can complete the questionnaire on whichever device you prefer.

However, we know that some of our participants prefer paper. If you choose not to complete your questionnaire online, we'll send you a paper version in 2018.

What am I agreeing to by completing this questionnaire?

By completing this questionnaire, you are agreeing that California Teachers Study researchers can use your answers to study the causes of cancer and other diseases that affect women’s health. To learn more about your rights as a research participant, please click here.

I have an idea about how you could make the questionnaire better.

Wonderful! We can't wait to hear from you. 

If you have comments or suggestions about how we can improve your questionnaire experience, we're all ears. Fill out our Contact Us form to provide your feedback.

Common Error Messages on Q6 Web
Entering a Year

If an error message appears after you enter a year, make sure you didn't make a typo. For instance, if you accidentally type "200" instead of "2000" as a year, the questionnaire will let you know. Just enter the correct year and the questionnaire will allow you to proceed to the next question.

Entering Your Phone Number

An error message will appear if you enter a phone number that is not a valid US phone number. If this happens, double check the phone number you entered and type it in correctly.

If you live out of the country and do not have a US phone number, please call as at 1-800-568-9471 or email us to provide your phone number and country of residence.

Entering Your Email Address

The questionnaire will only accept valid email address. If an error message pops up after you enter your email address, you may have entered your email address incorrectly.

Please check the email address you entered for typos. Common typos include typing a "." instead of the "@" sign or mistyping the end of email address, such as .co instead of .com or .nett instead of .net.

Please check to see if you forgot the "@" symbol and make sure that the end of your email is correct.

Entering Your Age

If an error message appears after you have entered an age, the first step is to double check the age you entered.

Generally, the questionnaire will only accept an age between 0 and 100. If you accidentally type “200” as your age instead of “20” the questionnaire will let you know.

The questionnaire will let you continue once you enter an age in the acceptable age range.

"Other (Please Specify)"

Quite a few questions on the questionnaire will give you the option of selecting "Other (please specify):" as your answer. If there is a text box next to the "Other (please specify):" choice. You should enter your answer there.

The questionnaire won't let you proceed if you leave the text box blank but still select "Other (please specify)."

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